Results for 'Victor Almeida Gama'

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  1.  12
    A recepção tefepista do Concílio Vaticano II.Victor Almeida Gama - forthcoming - Horizonte:1418.
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    The first AI4TSP competition: Learning to solve stochastic routing problems.Yingqian Zhang, Laurens Bliek, Paulo da Costa, Reza Refaei Afshar, Robbert Reijnen, Tom Catshoek, Daniël Vos, Sicco Verwer, Fynn Schmitt-Ulms, André Hottung, Tapan Shah, Meinolf Sellmann, Kevin Tierney, Carl Perreault-Lafleur, Caroline Leboeuf, Federico Bobbio, Justine Pepin, Warley Almeida Silva, Ricardo Gama, Hugo L. Fernandes, Martin Zaefferer, Manuel López-Ibáñez & Ekhine Irurozki - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103918.
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    The Subject of Psychopathology: Of What Plural Is It Made?Jurandir Freire Costa, Benilton Bezerra & Jairo de Almeida Gama - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):89-97.
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    Acolher, renovar e servir como resposta aos desafios da pastoral urbana.Victor Silva Almeida Filho - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):178-195.
    O presente artigo tem como finalidade apresentar um panorama geral acerca da realidade pastoral da região metropolitana de Campinas. Como todos os grandes centros urbanos, Campinas exibe uma condição bastante complexa, repleta de contradições, belezas e desafios. Jesus, como homem histórico, sensível e inserido nas realidades de seu tempo, respondeu também às situações de sua época e nos dá pistas para respondermos de modo satisfatório aos fiéis de nosso tempo. Neste artigo, para a atividade eclesial diante de tais realidades metropolitanas, (...)
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  5. Salas de estar como territórios sonoros: considerando outras territorialidades da música ao vivo.Victor de Almeida Nobre Pires - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (1).
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo pensar a importância da territorialidade para a produção da música ao vivo contemporânea. A partir da análise da turnê “Na Sala de Estar” da banda gaúcha Apanhador Só, da rede global Sofar Sounds e de iniciativas independentes como a Undertow Music Collective, busca-se entender, com base nas noções de território-rede, territorialidade e território sônico-musical, a apropriação de ambientes domésticos para a produção de concertos independentes. Contribuindo para uma percepção das estratégias de ocupação de novos (...)
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    Is tDCS an Adjunct Ergogenic Resource for Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance Performance? A Systematic Review.Sergio Machado, Petra Jansen, Victor Almeida & Jitka Veldema - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  7. New-left.por Francisco Victor Valente Meneses, Ildeberto Maria Almeida Simões & Maria da Graça Carvalho Valério - 1978 - In Maria da Graça Carvalho Valério, Francisco Victor Valente Meneses & Ildeberto Maria Almeida Simões (eds.), Pragmatismo e revolução nos E.U.A. Lisboa: Conselho Directivo da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.
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  8. Pragmatismo e revolução nos E.U.A.Maria da Graça Carvalho Valério, Francisco Victor Valente Meneses & Ildeberto Maria Almeida Simões (eds.) - 1978 - Lisboa: Conselho Directivo da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.
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    The Subject of Psychopathology: Of What Plural Is It Made?Jurandir Freire Costa, Benilton Bezerra Jr & Jairo de Almeida Gama - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):89-97.
    The question of the subject seems to occupy much of the current psychiatric/psychological landscape. Some theoreticians affirm that the subject or the self is an imaginary fiction, not a substantial entity in whose structure causes of psychological disorders and their respective antidotes are latent. “Subject,” they continue, “is what the vernacular speech says it is, that is, a self-reference marker that indexes human organisms’ sensory/motor singularity.” This marker, however, has nothing in common with a supposed metaphysical ethereal substrate, made up (...)
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    Dispositivos de atenção psicossocial no Brasil e gestão pela liberdade: breves relatos históricos das práticas relacionadas à saúde mental.Marcus Vinícius do Amaral Gama Santos, Higor Theobald Seabra da Cruz, Laura Petrenko Dória, Bárbara Victor Souza, Letícia Gomes Canuto, Mateus dos Santos Martins, Rafael de Souza Lima & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):75-91.
    The main objective of this work is to understand the daily practices of user management in post-reformist devices in the Brazilian mental health field. Through Foucault's genealogical work on government practices, understood as forms of conducting the behavior of others, it is possible to open a possible field for the study of the practices of psi knowledge, considering them as forms of management that act by through the free and natural acts of individuals. More specifically, our goal is to examine (...)
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    Religião e contemporaneidade: atualidade do fenômeno religioso.Flavio Pereira Senra, Henrique Marques Lott, Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos & Tatiane Aparecida de Almeida (eds.) - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Fonte Editorial.
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    What Is the Subject in Question?João José R. L. De Almeida - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):99-101.
    Arguing for the theoretical importance of the concept of “subject” or “self” on behalf of the “psychiatric/psycho-pathological thinking” is justified in so far as, as Costa, Bezerra Jr., and Gama say, “this is still an indispensable concept for understanding the conditions for the gestation and functioning of psychological life.” In what sense are these concepts “indispensable?”All the hints suggest them as necessary complements for neurobiological investigations to become useful for clinical employment. So, if we consider that it is possible (...)
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    La salud en los pueblos indígenas: atención primaria e interculturalidad.Consuelo de Jesús Alban Meneses, Víctor Manuel Sellan Icaza & Consuelo Lorena Moran Alban - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):23-34.
    Las naciones y pueblos indígenas presentan preocupantes índices respecto a la salud, así como otras carencias como la pérdida de sus tierras, la alimentación, la educación y, en general, el ejercicio de sus derechos, consagrados por organizaciones internacionales como la ONU y la OMS-OPS. En Ecuador, de acuerdo con el orden jurídico constitucional, se han instrumentado políticas de salud que incluyen el lineamiento general de un enfoque intercultural de la atenciónprimaria que incorpora los saberes y prácticas ancestrales. Mediante una revisión (...)
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    Se as pulgas desenvolvessem um rito, ele estaria relacionado ao cão.João José Rodrigues Almeida - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):369.
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  15. On the normative significance of experimental moral psychology.Victor Kumar & Richmond Campbell - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):311-330.
    Experimental research in moral psychology can be used to generate debunking arguments in ethics. Specifically, research can indicate that we draw a moral distinction on the basis of a morally irrelevant difference. We develop this naturalistic approach by examining a recent debate between Joshua Greene and Selim Berker. We argue that Greene's research, if accurate, undermines attempts to reconcile opposing judgments about trolley cases, but that his attempt to debunk deontology fails. We then draw some general lessons about the possibility (...)
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  16. Understanding, explanation, and unification.Victor Gijsbers - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):516-522.
    In this article I argue that there are two different types of understanding: the understanding we get from explanations, and the understanding we get from unification. This claim is defended by first showing that explanation and unification are not as closely related as has sometimes been thought. A critical appraisal of recent proposals for understanding without explanation leads us to discuss the example of a purely classificatory biology: it turns out that such a science can give us understanding of the (...)
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    Mal-estar docente na universidade em tempos neoliberais: uma discussão psicanalítica e interseccional.Beatriz Almeida Gabardo Traldi, Caroline Heloisa Sapatini, Sabrina Gurita Lima & Kelly Cristina Brandão da Silva - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:233-249.
    Este trabalho, pautado na interface Educação e Psicanálise, em interlocução com autores contemporâneos das Ciências Humanas que discutem os efeitos do neoliberalismo no campo da Educação, tem por objetivo discutir teoricamente sobre o mal-estar na universidade, mais especificamente no que diz respeito ao sofrimento psíquico de docentes de universidades públicas brasileiras. As demandas desses professores, nos âmbitos do ensino, da pesquisa, da extensão e da gestão, a partir de uma lógica neoliberal, estão sob a égide do produtivismo acadêmico. Para a (...)
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    Gide Versus Anti-Gide.Victor R. Yanitelli - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (4):540-550.
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  19. Adventures in the Realm of Ideas and Other Essays in the Fields of Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, Theology, Humanism, Semantics, Agnosticism, Immortality and Related Subjects.Victor S. Yarros - 1947 - Haldeman-Julius.
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    Letters pro and con.Victor S. Yarros, Bernard M. Goldman & Donald A. Gordon - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (2):179-180.
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    The German and the Anglo-American View of the State.Victor S. Yarros - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (1):43-51.
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    A Proof-Based Account of Legal Exceptions.Luís Duarte D'Almeida - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (1):133-168.
    I propose and defend a proof-based account of legal exceptions. The basic thought is that the characteristic behaviour of exceptions is to be explained in terms of the distinction, relative to some given decision-type C in some decision-making context, between two classes of relevant facts: those that may, and those that may not, remain uncertain if a token decision C is to count as correctly made. The former is the class of exceptions. A fact F is an exception relative to (...)
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  23. Dualism and Universities.Victor H. Balowitz - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):415.
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    Electrification.Victor Wallis - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):319-323.
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  25. Neovitalism.Victor Weizsacker - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:121.
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  26. Neovitalismus.Victor Weizsäcker - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:113.
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  27. Anthropologia rationalis: the Aristotelian-Thomist conception of man.Victor White - 1948 - Rhein.
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    Holy Teaching, the Idea of Theology According to St Thomas Aquinas.Victor White & Aquinas Society of London - 1958 - Blackfriars.
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  29. MÚSICA: a dinamogênese do poético1.Sônia de Almeida do Nascimento - 2009 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 2 (19):9-17.
    Partindo da recusa em aceitar a tese como um princípio teórico, fizemos a experiência da recuperação do sentido gestual/musical que se guarda na palavra: o sentido da thésis. Na recusa, adentramos o caminho do pensar que é deixar fazerse: o Hermes da musicalidade. Essa é a viagem com as asas da liberdade. Nela, trilhamos o caminho da dinamogênese do poético como a dobra do ser. A dobra é ondulação rítmica. É movimento de proximidade e distância instaurador da medida que faz (...)
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    Orwell's Battle with Brittain: Vicarious Liability for Unjust Aggression.Victor Tadros - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 42 (1):42-77.
  31.  12
    Ethical challenges in higher education leadership and administration.Victor Wang (ed.) - 2020 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book examines leadership strategies that allow administrators to be proactive, visionary, and flexible while increasing collaboration, open communication, and closely integrating theory and practice to ensure successful administration in higher education settings.
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    Reseña de "Sueños y palabras de América Latina" de María del Pilar QUINTERO-MONTILLA.Víctor Bravo - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):151-152.
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  33. Wittgenstein's Critique of Set Theory.Victor Rodych - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):281-319.
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    The mimesis of salvation and dissimilitude in the scandalous gospel of Jesus.Victor Anderson - 2012 - In George Yancy (ed.), Christology and Whiteness: what would Jesus do? New York: Routledge. pp. 196.
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    Monarchy and Religious Institution in Israel under Jeroboam 1.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz & Wesley I. Toews - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):548.
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    The Opponents of Third Isaiah: Reconstructing the Cultic History of the Restoration.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz & Brooks Schramm - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):605.
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    The Priestly Account of Building the Tabernacle.Victor Hurowitz - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):21-30.
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    La condena de la venganza privada tras la justicia punitiva. Contraste y continuidad entre La Orestíada de Esquilo y el derecho hegeliano.Víctor Ibarra - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):291-314.
    Se abordan dos formas de justicia en principio antagónicas: la retributiva, propia del mundo de los héroes y de la venganza antigua, y la punitiva, de tradición tanto antigua como moderna, que consiste en la racionalización de la violencia mediante el tribunal. Se muestra la preeminencia de la punitiva, el antagonismo a medias con la retributiva, que viene a ser la apropiación de la violencia por la necesidad (dios, destino, Estado), y su marginación del ámbito de la justicia.
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    Tycho Brahe: Past and Future Research.Victor E. Thoren - 1973 - History of Science 11 (4):270-282.
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    Aristotle and Anglican Religious Thought.Victor Lyle Dowdell - 1942 - Cornell University Press.
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    Quem foram os "filósofos platônicos"? Agostinho de Hipona e a sua relação com a filosofia.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    Do ponto de vista ontológico, epistemológico e ético, Santo Agostinho foi influenciado, além das Escrituras, pela filosofia estoica, pelo neoplatonismo ou, mais exatamente, por aqueles pensadores que ele denomina os “filósofos platônicos”. Com relação à influência recebida dos estoicos, a ênfase recaía não somente sobre o conceito de virtude, mas também sobre outras noções essencialmente relacionadas com o agir moral. Quanto ao plano ontológico e epistemológico, foi mormente a visão platônica ou neoplatônica dos dois mundos que encontrou no Bispo de (...)
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  42. Relativitäts-Prinzip und Gravitations-Problem.Victor Felix Schiffner - 1931 - Leipzig,: R. Voigtländer.
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    Spirit and psyche: a new paradigm for psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy.Victor L. Schermer - 2003 - Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
    This book explores the literature on spirituality as an important dimension of psychology, and explains the relationship between psychological treatment and ...
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    Trinkmodelle in einer Kriminalroman-Serie.Victor Schwach - 1984 - Communications 10 (1-3):111-128.
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    Jean François Lyotard: critical evaluations in cultural theory.Victor E. Taylor & Gregg Lambert (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    This three-volume set is a collection of key critical responses by leading scholars to the philosophical and theoretical writings of this late postmodern philosopher. Organized thematically, the collection includes commentaries on Lyotard's life and early philosophical writings, as well as on ethics, aesthetics, and politics. With a new introduction by the editor providing a comprehensive overview of Jean-François Lyotards life and works, this impressive collection provides students and scholars with a valuable resource for studying this important philosophical figure.
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  46. Diachrony and synchrony in writing Russian literary history.Victor Terras - 1999 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:271-291.
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    Débordements scénographiques.Victor Thimonier - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 20 (2):61-76.
    L’article propose une étude de spectacles qui, bien que dans des scénographies antagonistes, investissent le champ de l’entrée en salle du public et nous permettent d’entendre différemment le concept de seuil développé par Walter Benjamin à propos de la ville. La scénographie contemporaine colonise le bâtiment théâtral, elle s’étend en dehors de la cage de scène. Elle construit une représentation plus large que les bornes traditionnelles de la fable, elle s’inscrit comme un axe dramaturgique déterminant, dès les premiers instants d’entrée (...)
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    Science Awakening II: The Birth of Astronomy. B. L. van der Waerden.Victor Thoren - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):478-479.
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    Tycho Brahe's Discovery of the Variation.Victor E. Thoren - 1968 - Centaurus 12 (3):151-166.
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    Trackers of the SkiesE. Nelson Hayes.Victor E. Thoren - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):127-127.
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